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the largest manufacturers of lead acid battery and plates


automobile battery

jis main tenance-free

fujian quanzhou dahua battery co.,ltd.

jis main tenance-ks8凯发官方网站

jis rated voltage(v) capacity (-18°c)cca(a) maximum overall dimensions(mm)
old type new type c20(ah) re(min) l w h th
mf36 36b20 12 36 280 197 129 201 221
mf40 32c24 12 40 59 240 235 131 200 221
mf50 48d26 12 50 76 310 229 170 201 221
mf60 55d23 12 60 94 375 256 171 198 219
mf70 65d31 12 70 113 520 299 169 199 219
mf100 9.50e 43 12 100 176 580 401 172 207 227
mf120 115f51 12 120 223 720 504 180 209 232
mf150 145g51 12 150 300 850 507 219 212 234
mf200 190h52 12 200 441 1020 514 265 211 236