fujian quanzhou dahua battery co.,ltd.-ks8凯发官方网站

ks8凯发官方网站-天生赢家凯发k8国际 | english
welcome to fujian quanzhou dahua battery co.,ltd!!!!
talent strategy
talent strategy
dahua has its unique personnel policy,strict,scientific but humanistic. it constantly improves its bonus systemand the nice working envionment,more training opportunities and more challenges attract elites to join dahua,it is the team of these elites who impels and ensures dahua to develop its market and keep loading!

 construction of staffs
  skilled workers:1955
  professional technicians:169
  production assistants:181

 construction of technician
  senior engineers:18
  professional engineers:30
  college graduates:76
fujian quanzhou dahua battery co.,ltd.@2010 | technical support :